AnaMae Speiker


CURRENT STATUS: Certified Labor Doula


SERVICES PROVIDED: Labor Doula Services


AREAS SERVED: Idaho & Washington



Phone: (509) 560-3250


Professional Renewal Due: December 1st, 2024

Meet Your ProDoula

Background/Experience that you think is beneficial to Doula work: I am a former elementary teacher. I worked specifically with special needs students. I think this experience is so beneficial to working as a birth professional because not only do I know how to be very well organized and prepared, but I am also able to change plans or tactics quickly when necessary.

What led you to become a Doula?: I have two of my own children. Since the moment they came into this world, I have found myself so amazed by pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. We were made to do this…the whole process should be cherished. Through my own pregnancy’s, birth’s, and postpartum months- there were times when I felt completely helpless, while at the same time being so in love. I believe this phase of life needs the type of support that a doula provides and I am so thankful to be in this profession.

What are some positive comments made about you by other people?:

I am understanding, uplifting, tender, organized and resilient.

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