Sarah Poole


CURRENT STATUS: Certified Labor, Postpartum & Infant Care Doula


SERVICES PROVIDED: Labor, Postpartum & Infant Care Doula Services


AREAS SERVED: South King County and most of Pierce County, Washington State



Phone: (253) 880-9868


Facebook page:

Professional Renewal Due: March 1st, 2025

Meet Your ProDoula

Background/Experience that you think is beneficial to Doula work: I have been working as a birth and postpartum doula since 2012, and have helped over 50 families as they have given birth to their babies and adjusted to the postpartum period! I have served families in both hospital, birth center, and home births. I have experience with unmedicated birth, cesarean, VBAC, various forms of induction and pain relief options, water birth, and more. I have worked with families that have struggled with milk supply and latch issues, and have references to many local resources to help with all sorts of pregnancy and postpartum topics that may come up for you and your family.

What led you to become a Doula?: I first became interested in birth work after the births of my first two children. I felt something was lacking in the experiences that I had, and that led me to discovering doula work! I knew I would hire a doula for my third baby, and became captivated with the idea of taking the training and becoming a doula myself. I had a beautifully healing birth experience with that third baby and saw firsthand the difference that the personal and emotional support of a doula makes. After the birth of my fourth and last baby, I experienced postpartum depression and saw again how important the support of postpartum doulas is for mamas who are struggling emotionally during the postpartum time.

What are some positive comments made about you by other people?:

We really appreciate Sarah and were so glad for her help in getting the natural birth we hoped for! — Hannah
Sarah provided lots of information throughout our pregnancy, and really helped us envision our home birth — Mama A
Sarah recommended so many things that helped with pain relief during our birth. Thank you! Thank you!! — Sarah
It was really nice to have Sarah’s help during our labor and birth. The extra encouragement from her was really appreciated. She always showed she truly believed I could do it even when I was doubting myself. She was really encouraging and had faith in me, and provided the moral support I needed to stick to my birth plan — Casey
I had several complication postpartum and wasn’t up to doing much of anything! Sarah fixed food for all four of my kids and I, helped with laundry, and made sure I was comfortable and resting. She was enormously helpful, pleasant to be around and chat with. She also makes the best lactation cookies on the planet. — Elizabeth
Sarah was super helpful. She clicked into doula mode immediately; I was able to rest and care for my baby while she took care of a few chores and it helped me feel so relaxed to know things were getting done. She was very helpful and listened to my needs. I appreciated just sitting and chatting with another adult! She explained things related to what I was experiencing, and helped so much when I needed to be doing less physical activity after birth. She even showed me how to use my ring sling! — Natalie
It is clear to me that this work is a passion for Sarah! She was sincere, so helpful, and provided us with a flood of information and answered all our questions. She was great at “getting in my shoes” and understanding how I felt inside. She was comforting and helped me feel safe, answered all my questions and gave me confidence during labor. I loved her hip squeezes! She was pivotal in being able to do this the way I wanted. — Mama S

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