Melanie Holmes


CURRENT STATUS: Certified Labor, Postpartum & Infant Care Doula


SERVICES PROVIDED: Labor, Postpartum & Infant Care Doula Services


AREAS SERVED: North Carolina



Phone: (919) 771-3354


Facebook page:

Professional Renewal Due: May 1st, 2025

Meet Your ProDoula

Background/Experience that you think is beneficial to Doula work: I have a degree in early childhood studies and have experience working with young children and families since 2011. I am confident In my skills and abilities to support families of all cultures and backgrounds. Before I transitioned as a full time doula I was a teacher then became an assistant director of a preschool. I am also committed to continuing education and staying up to date with current research to best help my clients feel informed and prepared!

What led you to become a Doula?: My love for serving families and my own birth experience with my daughter led me to become interested in becoming a birth professional. As a first time mom I know firsthand just how anxious you can become facing the unknowns of not knowing what to expect. It brings me so much joy to support families with navigating their birth and postpartum experience.

What are some positive comments made about you by other people?:

We are so incredibly grateful that we chose to utilize Melanie as our doula for the birth of our first baby! When preparing to meet our son, the initial meetings with Melanie provided us with a helpful framework of what to expect, and she partnered with us to develop a flexible birth plan that outlined our unique needs and wishes. She listened to our desires, helped guide us through the necessary decisions, and was only a text/call away for questions. (WAY better than googling, people!) Melanie shared numerous resources when answering questions, and also provided us with exercises and tips to help physically prepare for labor and delivery.

From the momma: I love my husband, but I could not have done this without the combined support of Melanie as our doula, our L&D nurse and my amazing partner. They constantly reminded me that I was in control and could ask for support however I needed. Melanie always listened very intently and provided both encouragement and physical support. Her counter-pressure and breathing/positioning guidance got me through L&D without needing to utilize an epidural, which was my hope. I appreciated that “healthy momma, healthy baby” was our ultimate goal, but I am so glad that many of my other wishes could be met as well. I magically felt incredibly focused and calm throughout labor, and I will be forever grateful to Melanie! She also follows up regularly after L&D to check in — I love that, and am confident that she truly cares about our family. 🙂

From the partner: Prior to Labor/Delivery, meeting with Melanie helped give me peace of mind for what to expect when contractions happened and during active labor. Melanie’s support during labor at the hospital allowed me to be in the moment both physically AND emotionally. Thank you, Melanie!

We plan to utilize Melanie again for future births if we are blessed to continue to grow our family!

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