Tara White


CURRENT STATUS: Certified Labor Doula


SERVICES PROVIDED: Labor Doula Services


AREAS SERVED: Raleigh, NC; Durham, NC; Chapel Hill, NC; Apex, NC; Garner, NC; Cary, NC; Clayton, NC; Louisburg, NC; Wake Forest, NC


Email: tara@pentapartum.com

Phone: (919) 263-4377

Website: https://pentapartum.com

Facebook page:

Professional Renewal Due: July 1st, 2025

Meet Your ProDoula

Background/Experience that you think is beneficial to Doula work: As a Fertility Educator and Birth Doula, my passion is body literacy. American women have not historically had access to comprehensive fertility education. We have not been given the information we need to make informed choices; I aim to rectify this. I love working with women from preconception through postpartum to help them learn how their body was designed to function, how they can monitor and become a student of their own body, and then use the information gathered to make informed lifestyle choices. As a Birth Doula, I incorporate my passion for body literacy in the form of body mechanics. Understanding how your body is designed to breathe, stand, walk, and sit has a huge impact on overall pregnancy comfort and birth outcomes. Pregnancy shouldn't be painful; you shouldn't pee your pants when you sneeze or waddle like a duck. These things are so common that they now seem normal; common and normal are not the same thing and you don't have to settle for common.

What led you to become a Doula?: I was extremely uneducated with my first pregnancy and birth and had a less than optimal experience. After that I sought out as much information as I could find, changed the way I moved, breathed, and sat; found an amazing pregnancy support team and had a completely differenct experience during my second pregnancy and birth. After that I was obsessed with sharing all the things I had learned with other women. I attended my first Birth Doula Training in March 2014. Since then, my passion for birth and specifically educating women about their choices during pregnancy and labor has only grown. I love seeing the impact informed decision making has not only during pregnancy and labor, but how that translates into other areas of life as well. When women feel empowered and know they have choices, they move through life more confident in their own abilities.

What are some positive comments made about you by other people?:

“We loved Tara! My husband couldn’t understand why I wanted a doula… after our first meeting Ben was all for it no matter the cost. She made us feel comfortable and confident, and helped us with some of the pains I was feeling. She was quickly responsive to my questions through text or fb message which was huge to me. Her presence was key to calming me down amidst my fear and stress during delivery. ”
— Sarah Learned

“Tara was a wonderful support throughout my pregnancy and during labor and delivery. Her wisdom, patience and care for our family were invaluable. I am so thankful to have had her there alongside my husband. I cannot say enough how glad I am that she was my doula. I would wholeheartedly recommend Tara.”
— Elizabeth Allen

“Tara’s presence and help during my labor made it a far better and more tolerable experience than it otherwise would have been. I have had doulas at 3 other births and Tara’s expertise certainly exceeded the doulas we had used in the past.”
— Adrienne Mayfield

“Tara is amazing! She helped me with my first birth (a posterior baby which caused 82 hrs of back labor! The only relief I got was with Tara!), with my nfp in between pregnancies, and my second and third pregnancy too! She’s always available and happy to help! Plus she’s super calm and loves Jesus!”
— Katie Mounce

“We loved taking the NFP class with Tara at our home. She walked us through everything we needed to know, with patience and very extensive knowledge! We feel supported and understood. Thanks, Tara for such a great experience! We look forward to working with you further.” – Becca Jones

“My fiancé and I went through Natural Family Planning training with Tara White. Tara is a very good communicator and teacher and we learned a lot about my fertility and how to chart it. I had previously read a book on fertility charting but there was no substitute for being able to interact with Tara and ask questions as I figured out how to observe the signs in my body. Through the process we discovered an abnormality in my cycle and Tara was so helpful in helping us notice that, referring us to an OB/GYN who works with fertility awareness, and in helping us adapt the rules of NFP to fit the specifics of my cycle. I highly recommend Tara!”
– Anna Showalter

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