Doula Business Advice… Where Do You Turn?
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October 23, 2015 | Doula, Doula Business
In the last couple of years, many doulas have realized for the first time ever that the work they do qualifies as more than a hobby.
It is in fact, a career and doulas are thrilled with the new found knowledge that they can do the work they love AND make a living doing it.
As more and more doulas realize that there is an opportunity for sustainability in their field, they look to the experts to help guide them.
Who are the experts?
Their trainers? Historically, no.
Many doula trainers from a variety of training organizations encourage their students to work for free in the beginning or for far less then a living wage. Is THAT someone you would ask for business advice? I wouldn’t.
I have heard it said by many doulas, they were told by their trainers, that they should base their prices on the affordability of the potential client. One training organization even states in their Code of Ethics that the doula is encouraged to assist in “their vision” by providing birth doula services at a reduced cost, if possible, or making appropriate referrals, as available.
I wouldn’t want anyone with that vision coaching me in business or advising me on anything relating to the sustainability of my business. To be fair, I will add that the organization referenced above, never promised to teach a single thing about how to run a business… until recently.
So again, where do you turn?
Our business is just like any other business and yet completely different at the same time. Seeking the help of a “regular” business coach can be challenging. They are expensive and the likelihood is that it would take several hours of paid time to even explain what a doula is to this person.
Enter Randy Patterson and Debbie Aglietti, doula business consultants.
This team of powerhouse doula/ business-women have attended a combined 1,750+ births, supported over 1,000 families on the postpartum side and for the past 14 years owned a doula agency in New York that has generated incredible success.
Additionally, these leaders in the industry have partnered with doulas in other US states and opened doula agencies there as well. Their training organization, ProDoula reached profit level in a mere 10 months and their companies are growing in leaps and bounds.
These ladies know what they are doing. They have done it themselves and have coached others since 2009 to do the same.
Since the two launched their overwhelmingly successful, ABT (Advanced Business Training) around every corner is a doula that has not reached the level of success that she is telling people she can teach them to achieve.
Their picture is small and its being drawn with crayons.
I believe these doulas think they are successful because they are busier than their peers but they have no idea what a doula business is capable of when systems are in place and executed properly.
Patterson and Aglietti paint the vision with a golden paintbrush.
While one focuses on marketing, branding, search engine optimization and networking, the other teaches on systems and structure. When you consult with them you utilize each for their expertise and they come as a package deal.
If you are ready to build a doula business, I mean really learn how to run a doula business or you want specific instruction on how to open a doula agency, there is one place to turn and that is to the doula business consultants of ProDoula.