Alexis Chambers


CURRENT STATUS: Certified Labor Doula

BUSINESS NAME/AFFILIATION: Alexis Chambers Doula Services

SERVICES PROVIDED: Labor Doula Services





Phone: (770) 335-0981

Facebook page:

Professional Renewal Due: January 1st, 2025

Meet Your ProDoula

Background/Experience that you think is beneficial to Doula work: I obtained my master's degree in clinical mental health counseling in 2020 and have worked as a therapist the last 4 years. During my time as a therapist I quickly realized that I love supporting women, specifically pregnant and new moms. This interest and my own birth experiences led me to attend labor doula training in January 2024.

What led you to become a Doula?: I was super naïve about labor going into my first birth. I thought to myself, "I'll just get an epidural and it will be fine." I was sadly mistaken. My epidural failed and I had no idea how to manage my pain. I felt utterly unsupported by the nurses in the hospital. This experience led me to hire a doula for my second birth and it made all the difference. She was able to support me physically and mentally to have the natural birth I desired. This led me to want to be able to provide the same kind of support to other women. I believe my background in counseling allows me to really support families emotionally in additional to the physical support ProDoula has taught me.

What are some positive comments made about you by other people?:

Alexis was an invaluable source of strength and support during the birth of my daughter. Her recommendations were spot on, and she helped me stay focused on my goals when I felt vulnerable and overwhelmed. She empowered me to make informed decisions and advocate for myself, even when things didn’t go according to plan. I am forever grateful for her presence and guidance during such a precious moment in my life. – Lara T.

As a first-time mother navigating through the pregnancy and childbirth, I couldn’t have asked for a better support person. Alexis always listened to my concerns and anxieties while providing me with options for my family. I always felt empowered to make decisions because of the knowledge Alexis had during this process. I ended up having a c-section birth and my baby went to the transition unit for a few hours due to low oxygen. Hospital policy did not allow doulas in the operation room; however, Alexis came immediately after I was transitioned to post-op while my husband was with our baby. Alexis had so much empathy for the situation and encouraged me while I was without my family. At our request, she spent time with our family once baby was in our postpartum room at the hospital and took some beautiful pictures. She even brought some delicious lactation treats! After going home with baby and husband, Alexis checked in on me often. She was able to help me navigate through my baby blues by validating my feelings and helping me realize the extreme emotions would pass. I will absolutely be asking Alexis to be at my next birth. – Jordyn H.

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