Casey Cavanaugh


CURRENT STATUS: Certified Labor, Postpartum & Infant Care Doula and Pre-Certified Infant Feeding Educator


SERVICES PROVIDED: Labor, Postpartum & Infant Care Doula Services, VBAC Specialist Services, Placenta Encapsulation Services and Infant Feeding Education Services


AREAS SERVED: San Antonio, TX; Austin, TX; New Braunfels, TX; Boerne, TX



Phone: (726) 231-3855

Facebook page:

Professional Renewal Due: September 1st, 2024

Meet Your ProDoula

Background/Experience that you think is beneficial to Doula work: I have placed great emphasis on pursuing inclusive and informed education. I am particularly passionate about trauma informed care for all people, supporting BIPOC humans, and helping other LGBTQIA+ people. I continue to pursue education at all times and try to keep informing my care in new ways no matter how active I am. I have found particular interest in each area of transition I support. At present, my emphasis has been on nurturing the birth parent as they transition into parenthood and finding new ways I can support someone while focusing on the integration of empathy, knowledge, and culture. My personal experience with miscarriage has helped me in times I have focused on perinatal loss. My knowledge of reproductive rights has helped others seek the care they deserve. My understanding of medical settings and patient rights has assisted me in teaching other folks how to advocate for themselves. My empathy comes back to tie all of these things together so I am able to attune to each client and their providers to provide the best possible support.

What led you to become a Doula?: I have always had a deep love and respect for pregnancy and those bringing forth life. In my own loss, I discovered things I wish I had available and found being a doula the best way to approach these moments for others in similar situations. While loss was my introduction to service, birth is such a beautiful, interconnected piece of these journeys and finally fulfilled my passion. And postpartum turned out to be the cherry on top - I love nurturing the humans who bring forth this love and life! I have always sought to serve others in the ways that I wish I knew I needed and love that I can continue to learn to be that person for others. I found out why I loved pregnancy, birth, parents, support, community - I belong in service to people around me and the people they are bringing earthside.

What are some positive comments made about you by other people?:

Always pursuing new qualifications/credentials. Determined. Adaptable. Emotionally intelligent. Empathetic.

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