Chelsea Easter


CURRENT STATUS: Certified Postpartum & Infant Care Doula

BUSINESS NAME/AFFILIATION: Fully Known Photography and Motherhood Services

SERVICES PROVIDED: Postpartum & Infant Care Doula Services


AREAS SERVED: St. Louis, Missouri



Phone: (314) 691-8634


Facebook page:

Professional Renewal Due: July 1st, 2025

Meet Your ProDoula

Background/Experience that you think is beneficial to Doula work: I have many years of experience working with children and infants. I started babysitting in my home at the age of 13. At 16 I began working in a daycare. When I was 19 I taught classes at The Little Gym here in St. Louis. And at 21 I moved to Florida for a semester to work at Disney World doing the Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique. Oh that was so much fun! The following year I was married and moved to Louisville KY where I taught and co-managed My Gym of Louisville. There I became very close with so many mothers and babies. I later became a nanny and I have been a nanny off and on over the years. I am also a motherhood photographer. As a photographer I have a unique ability to really connect with children and capture the precious moments of motherhood. As a postpartum doula, I can truly connect with my mothers on a personal level understanding motherhood myself. I have experienced the highs and lows of being postpartum twice now and am happy to support mothers in whatever capacity they need for that day. I want to be there for every mother mentally, physically, and emotionally. I can provide infant care, sibling care, or housekeeping support and more. My heart has always been to serve and love others.

What led you to become a Doula?: As a mother of two wonderful children I have experienced the highs and lows motherhood. I have always had an interest in labor, delivery, and infant care. But it wasn’t until I experienced two natural births (my first without a doula or postpartum doula and my second with both), that I realized the massive impact a doula had on a family’s life. I have always been told I have a calming presence, warm spirit, and friendly demeanor. And it was a friend encouraging me, and reminding me of these attributes that said, “you should really consider being a postpartum doula.” I continued to think about it and pray about it and felt that yes, being a doula is a culmination of all of my giftings, attributes, and interests wrapped together. I love supporting other mothers and families. It is my goal to make sure that every mama feels fully heard, fully supported, and fully loved - being reminded that they are fully known!

What are some positive comments made about you by other people?:

Mikhaila –
“Chelsea has a presence about her that makes you feel instantly calm and supported, plus an unwavering faith that will help you feel strength in the face of whatever you are struggling with. You cannot go wrong with letting her into your motherhood space!”

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