Chesli Manzo


CURRENT STATUS: Certified Postpartum & Infant Care Doula


SERVICES PROVIDED: Postpartum & Infant Care Doula Services


AREAS SERVED: Monterey County, California



Phone: (831) 275-0304


Professional Renewal Due: January 1st, 2025


Meet Your ProDoula

Background/Experience that you think is beneficial to Doula work: I've personally faced a variety of different experiences in my birth and postpartum journey, including laboring at home ending in emergency C-section, struggling emotionally after having a baby, miscarriage and recovering from hemorrhage, and living away from family during the postpartum period. The journey of beginning a family is so incredibly amazing, yet full of hardship, that awards us with grit and strength and hopefully a beautiful infant! Following my own experiences, I developed a heart for offering compassionate and empathetic support to families with infants.

What led you to become a Doula?: I became a Postpartum and Infant Care Doula because I love helping new parents and their sweet newborns. Naturally, I'm always checking in on friends with new babies, setting up meal deliveries, and offering to help out, so I decided to become professionally trained as friends gave such positive feedback and recommendations to me. Moms are in the most tender and vulnerable place after giving birth and need compassionate support. I'm passionate about helping families succeed in the "4th trimester" so they can enjoy this fleeting time as much as possible.

What are some positive comments made about you by other people?:

“Her compassion and knowledge is a great gift!”
“This job could not be more perfect for Chesli.”
“The perfect job for Chesli.”
“What an asset to new moms.”

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