Parker Chakales


CURRENT STATUS: Certified Postpartum & Infant Care Doula


SERVICES PROVIDED: Postpartum & Infant Care Doula Services


AREAS SERVED: North Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia



Phone: (828) 773-0490


Professional Renewal Due: April 1st, 2025

Meet Your ProDoula

Background/Experience that you think is beneficial to Doula work: I have been teaching Pilates for over a decade, and I love working with prenatal and postpartum clients. I became a Pre- and Post-Natal Pilates Specialist in 2017. I strive to help birthing parents find comfort and ease in their pregnant body as well as facilitate healing, reconnection, and strength building during the postpartum period. Before starting my journey as a doula, I collaborated on a book entitled "A Movement Educator's Guide to Pregnancy and Childbirth" (expected publication 2025). Additionally, while earning my Masters in Nutrition Education, I studied in-depth topics surrounding nutrition during pregnancy.

What led you to become a Doula?: I have always been interested in supporting and empowering women, but it was not until my own journey into motherhood did I develop a passion for supporting fellow mothers specifically. My transition to parenthood was jarring and difficult, and I often felt that the culture around me lacked empathy and understanding for that challenging phase of life. A few years into my parenting journey and I feel called to support others going through this beautiful, exciting, sacred, and yet incredibly difficult transition. I see doula work as the place where my passions, skills, talents, and inspiration intersect, and I am thrilled to have the privilege of working with women and families through pregnancy, birth, and the postpartum period.

What are some positive comments made about you by other people?:

People often comment that I seem quite grounded and regulated (even when I’m not necessarily feeling that way internally…).

Recently a trainee was observing me teach Pilates and commented on the way I lifted my client up, boosted her confidence, and made her feel more comfortable exploring different movements. I felt like that was the ultimate compliment for me!

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