Happy Father’s Day! This is All Normal
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June 21, 2020 | Doula, Labor & Birth, Postpartum
In light of the pandemic, the world is an especially scary place. For many expectant families, how, where, and with whom they planned to give birth has surprisingly changed.
As a result of these changes, mothers, sisters, cousins, best friends and even DOULAS are not being permitted into most birth rooms across the world. This has left the responsibility of labor support squarely on the shoulders of the partner; in many cases, you, the father.
As a partner, you have been thrusted into the spotlight of primary support person to your loved one during labor.
You might be having some feelings about this. And on this special day, Father’s Day, we want you to know that what you are feeling is likely pretty normal.
The hesitation. Perhaps you are wondering if you can pull through and deliver the support your partner needs. Will you place your hands in exactly the right spot? Will your suggestions be well received?
This is all normal.
The fear. You may even be feeling fear. Fear that you’ll say something wrong. That you’ll do something wrong. That you won’t be enough… That you won’t know enough.
This is all normal.
The excitement. The excitement of welcoming your baby can literally take your breath away. It is one of the most exhilarating feelings you’ll ever feel.
This is all normal.
The worry. Will they be ok? Will all go well? Can I witness my partner in that level of pain? Can I watch my partners body do this? Will I faint? Will I be ok?
This is all normal.
Now, more than ever there are new and big feelings surrounding welcoming a new baby into this world.
Here are a some suggestions to help guide you along the way:
- Talk about your baby’s upcoming birth with your partner.
- Don’t be afraid to express your fears or concerns.
- Be honest about what you’d like your role in this experience to look like.
- Learn about what to expect.
- Reach out to your birth facility of choice to learn what to expect in light of Covid- 19 once you arrive.
- Become knowledgable about any changes in admission protocol.
- Hire A Doula
- As a result of COVID-19 causing most hospitals to close their doors to visitors, additional support people, and doulas, ProDoula equipped their members with tangible ways to offer comprehensive, well received virtual support. You don’t have to do this alone.
- Many ProDoula pre-certified/certified doulas are providing virtual childbirth education classes, labor, and postpartum support as well as infant feeding support.
You don’t have to navigate this transition alone. If you’re interested in having virtual doula support, click over to “Our Doulas” and search for a ProDoula doula in your community!
We wish you a Happy Father’s Day and we’re confident that within you is the love, compassion and fortitude your partner needs to successfully give birth to your sweet baby!