Your Doula Business – Marketing Musts
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June 16, 2017 | Doula Business
You just took a doula training and it was amazing! Your doula business has not been built yet but you are inspired, excited, a bit nervous, and totally ready! You wanted to become a certified doula so that you could support families during birth BUT… Did you think about how those families would find you?
Did you think about how you would market your doula business?
Did you think about what you would say to a potential client that reaches out to you? Or are you feeling more along the lines of… “AGHHHHHHH!!!!!!! I just want to be a doula…. I don’t want to do all that business stuff….”
Unfortunately, it doesn’t work that way. In order to do this work, you must first sell the service.
ProDoula wants you to be successful because we know that if you’re not, you will take that new doula hat off your head, gently and lovingly pack it into a box, and tuck it into the back corner of your closet.
We don’t want that! We know that you have a passion for this work, and we know that if we can help you build your doula business, you will improve birth as well as the quality of the postpartum period, for growing families in your community.
Use these 3 questions to propel your doula business forward!
1) How will I be found?
Being found by potential clients is imperative to being successful in your doula endeavor. Unfortunately, the days of hanging a sign, running an ad and waiting for the phone to ring are long gone, but there are still some really great, cost-effective ways to make it happen. The following are some must-haves to get you started!
- A website – Build or have built, a website or a ‘starter site’. You can always expand upon it later but if you want to get started right away, get live on the web ASAP! Make sure to include a blog so that you can attract potential clients by writing about topics that interest the people you are seeking to serve!
- A rack card – Print materials are a fantastic way to sprinkle your doula business all over your community! They can easily be created on websites like Canva and printed inexpensively through Vista Print. Bring them to local providers who are currently serving the people you would like to serve! Remember to always ask for some of theirs in return, to share with the people you serve as well!
- Business cards – Whenever you meet someone, offer them a card. It is a quick way to exchange contact info and a great way to end your elevator speech.
2) How will I convert someone who finds me into a client?
The best way to engage someone is to listen to them. I mean really listen. It’s not just waiting for them to stop talking so that you can talk, but rather listening attentively; affirming that you have a clear understanding of what you’ve heard. Focus on building a relationship rather than trying to sell your service and your conversion rates will soar!
3) How will I analyze the data I collect?
Track, track, track! Record the following information and it will tell you what you are doing right and what you are doing wrong. It will enable you to do more of what works and less of what doesn’t. Whether the system you use to record it, is an expert level spreadsheet or it’s a dry erase board, keep yourself apprised of at least the following important details while you determine what else is important for your business to track.
- How many inquiries per month you receive
- How the inquiring person found you
- Did they contact you by phone or email
- Did you convert them into a client
- What services did they purchase
- Is this their first, second, third child
- Where do they live
Take the ADVANCED BUSINESS TRAINING ASAP and get the business knowledge that will empower you to succeed!
Authored by: Randy Patterson, ProDoula CEO