Speak Your Truth is a phrase that signifies the idea that as individuals, we are not led but rather we walk the path that is most authentic to each of us. One by one, we each decide for ourselves who we are and what we believe regarding topics such as birth, babies, business and everything in between.
Let this be the year that you claim! Stand up in truth for what you believe is best and right for you! Speak Your Truth 2017 is a call to action as well as our conference theme. Let this be the year that you claim! Stand up in truth for what you believe is best and right for you!
We invite you to join us in Kansas City where education and celebration are the focus and propelling one another forward is the desire! View the full conference schedule of events here!
Emily Johnson, Owner: Doulas of Cincinnati
Victoria McCollum, Owner: The Virginia Baby Co.
View the Full Conference Schedule of Events
Topics addressed during this powerful presentation include:
African American Women in Birth
Triumphs of the Past
The Transition to the Modern
The Challenges in the Present
A Path to the Future
Melissa Espey-Mueller, Building an Empire on Education
To build a solid structure, you must start with a solid foundation. Childbirth Education is the perfect complement to doula work, adding stability to an often fluctuating income. Join an expert in the field who has built her 6 figure annual empire through prenatal education. Topics to be discussed include:
Receive step by step instructions on how to implement a hospital based or birth center program as a child birth educator. Leave with the tools to be your own Architect, ready to build and design a functional and lucrative educational EMPIRE!
Amy L. Gilliland, Ph.D., BDT(DONA), CSE (AASECT)
Let’s Stop Trying to Turn Men into Women
Meeting the Real Needs of Pregnant and Laboring Fathers
Men are in the midst of cultural change of redefining fatherhood. What hasn’t changed yet is the cultural assumptions of perinatal professionals towards men’s involvement in pregnancy and childbirth. Taking a biopsychosocial approach to understanding male behavior and needs during labor, Dr. Gilliland utilizes gender theory, highly regarded studies, and her own original research to increase the effectiveness of perinatal professionals. Participants can expect to comprehend male behavior more deeply by confronting their cultural assumptions, and bringing together their own experience with new knowledge.
Randy Patterson, Advanced DISC – Speaking your truth in 4 different languages
We all know that that doing unto others as we’d like done to ourselves is a great rule, right? WRONG! Through this advanced presentation on DISC, as defined by American psychologist, William Marston, Randy Patterson encourages attendees to view the world through the eyes of others. Explore how to effectively encourage and compliment the people you work with, whether they are colleagues or clients, in the languages that suit them. Attendees will leave this presentation with the ability to collaborate, propose ideas, and find solutions with others, in a variety of communication styles.
Alex Hamilton, DDS, Lip tie & Tongue tie
How such a small strip of tissue can cause so much anguish!
During this presentation, we will talk about the influence tied oral tissue has on the breastfeeding parent and child. We will discuss how lip and tongue tie are treated and what you can look for in a qualified professional that you are vetting for your resource list. Additionally, we will cover and expand on post operative support opportunities.
Dr. Cindy Laudan-Ho, Doctor of Chinese Medicine, Registered Acupuncturist
A Bun in The Oven
Chinese Medicine’s Approach to Treating Pregnancy, Birth Support, and Postpartum Recovery
As a Traditional Chinese Medicine Doctor, Cindy Laudan-Ho will discuss the historical and present day impact of TCM on women’s health; particularly in pregnancy, birth and postpartum recovery. In this presentation we will discuss the effect TCM has on this journey in a family’s life and how placenta encapsulation can improve their well-being. Included in this lecture will be descriptions of different signs and symptoms you may see with your clients, and how you can support them as their birth and postpartum support. Along with the education you will receive from this lecture, Dr. Cindy will provide fantastic TCM inspired recipes that support these stages of life, which you can use in your own practice and share with your clients.
Break out sessions will include business topics presented based on career path:
This breakout session will cover a variety of business topics as they relate specifically to Independent Contractors. Facilitators, Kristyn Blocher, an IC providing doula training services for ProDoula and Brook Town, a long time IC providing doula, CBE and placenta services for a local doula agency, share their experience and wisdom with attendees. Learn how to best grow your own business, which may include accepting work from several sources.
Facilitated by Kristyn Blocher and Brook Town
This breakout session will address a variety of topics relating specifically to the business of owning a doula agency. Successful agency owner, Alex Weinberger and powerhouse director for a fast growing agency, Mari Leckel, will simplify and discuss their best practices for business management, client interaction, team building and communication.
Facilitated by Alex Weinberger and Mari Leckel
This breakout session will speak directly to those owning or seeking to own an independent doula, placenta service or childbirth education business. Samantha Griffin and guest will address the business management, back up systems and daily ins and outs of working independently.
Facilitated by Samantha Griffin and Guest
Breakout sessions for the practical side of doula work:
This break out session will focus on strategies for supporting clients when the tools and techniques that seem best to you, are not what the birthing person wants. Learn how to be physically present without feeling the need to be saying or doing something. This can be more challenging than you think!
Facilitated by Angela Horn
During this session you will learn about the complications affecting babies who must spend time in the NICU before coming home. As a Postpartum & Infant Care Doula it benefits you to understand the challenges faced by these clients and their children. Learn how you can best provide these unique clients with superior non-medical support once they arrive home.
Facilitated by To be announced
Bereavement Workshop, Thursday October 19th 9:00am – 1:30pm
This interactive Bereavement Workshop is an intense but important add-on for those who professionally support pregnancy and birth. Take this opportunity to explore your own fears and feelings surrounding the intimacy and trauma of supporting clients and their families through infant and/or maternal loss. Sandra Nishihata will provide you with practical and compassionate tools and education for:
With a calling for bereavement work, Sandra Nishihata shifted her focus to nurturing those suffering through loss, as well as the birth workers who support them. With a nonjudgmental approach and an ability to keep calm and remain present, Sandra has been an anchor and resource for hundreds, as they navigate the personal and professional difficulties surrounding loss. Sandra’s ability to lead with competence and understanding make her the light at the end of a dark tunnel to all who know her. Sandra resides in Greensboro, North Carolina with her 2 children.
We have worked diligently to ensure that the process of securing rooms for the Speak Your Truth 2017 conference at the Crowne Plaza Kansas City Downtown, be as easy as possible for you!
Rooms are blocked for ProDoula attendees from Sunday 10/15 through Wednesday 10/18.
The daily pricing for rooms is as follows:
Single Rate $147
Double Rate $147
Triple Rate $167
Quad Rate $187
Please click on this link to secure your room.
You will be brought directly to the Crowne Plaza Kansas City Downtown reservation page which is exclusive to ProDoula.
In the event that you would like a roommate, please contact Debbie Aglietti @ debbie@prodoula.com
*Recognition ribbons and on-stage recognition will be reserved for those who have submitted packets for certification by September 1st 2017, midnight PST.